Cerberus | Chapter 13: Racking Focus
The racking focus thought-experiment began with a favorite story I loved to recount about my life. After recounting the story, I racked focus to see what got overlooked.
Read moreCerberus | Chapter 12: Cerberus Suffering
The role and function of my ego kept changing like a single story with many endings. My ego began as the rule maker, then became my guardian, and finally my prosecutor.
Read moreCerberus | Chapter 11: Chew On This
For most of my life I could not tell the difference between my thoughts, emotions, and sensations for one basic reason: my ego refused to help me out. The details of my experiences and discovery follow but with a traveler’s advisory note. Proceed with caution.
Read moreCerberus | Chapter 10: Cerberus Speaks
I had spent years studying Western philosophers who described what happened when they turned their attention in on itself. Now I had to become the active agent rather than the passive reader. So I created my own exercise.
Read moreCerberus | Chapter 9: St. Paul A.M.E.
Thanks to these ongoing experiences in this church, I found what I didn’t know I was looking for until it showed up inside me, namely, an inner sense of being an adored and deeply communal self.
Read moreCerberus | Chapter 8: The Glades
I easily identified Pastor Hughes’ elegantly simple formula for creating feel-good emotions in us. He had stoked and then quelled our anxiety in the name of God.
Read moreCerberus | Chapter 7: Cerberus at Church
Had I trained my students to cut out feelings until the heart went numb? Were my faculty colleagues doing the same thing to their students? Were we manufacturing ministers who created corpse cold Sunday services?
Read moreWhy Love Beyond Belief Today?
Progressives lack the intensity, resources, and infrastructure. We suffer from this deficit disorder because most of us treat religion like good or bad ideas. Religion is really about feelings.
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