Dear Friends,
I have some exciting news!
We’ve just opened registration for my online Universal Connections workshops!
Do you want a safe place to make more life-affirming and life-sustaining connections in your life?
Join us Saturdays or Sundays in April 3:00-5:00pm CT.
Please spread the word! Invite others who also want a safe space for True-Self discovery and authentic, life-affirming connections with others.
For more details and registration go to:
Register soon! Workshops start the weekend of April 4!
Also, we’ve added some special gifts for partnership pledges to The Untrolling Project.
– All pledges of $1,000* or more will receive:
- pre-release installments of the The Untrolling Project, and
- a signed copy of my book, “Love Beyond Belief”
– Those who pledge $5,000* or more will be entitled to:
- a one-hour personal session with me,
- pre-release installments of The Untrolling Project, and
- a signed copy of my book, “Love Beyond Belief”
*Previous donations count toward special gift thresholds.
Your support is pivotal in making The Untrolling Project a success. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.
Pledge Options to Consider:
- $50
- $75
- $125
- $500
- Other: $________
Pledge Frequency:
- Monthly
- One-time
Please fill in your preferred pledge amount and frequency at
Additionally, I’m presenting at the Metaphysics and The Matter of Things Conference with Iain McGilchrist March 29-31.
My presentation will be during Session 1 on March 30, and I will deliver the homily on Easter Sunday, March 31.
For more details and registration go to:
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