Today’s White Niggers | Part 4: The White Skin Privilege Scam in the North
In the 19th century, at least three-quarters of the country’s northern industrial workers were immigrants or the children of immigrants. These workers got trashed. The message was clear: assimilate. Abandon ethnic identities and become lower-class whites. They got the message and black-faced their ethnic feelings, creating America’s first national cultural institution: the blackface minstrel show.
Read moreThandeka’s Interview with Westar Institute: Paul’s Brain Science of Emotions
Modern science may reveal things that Paul understood at an instinctive level—things that we can see now with much greater clarity. Using the tools of affective neuroscience, Thandeka examines Paul’s first-century attempt to teach selfless love, demonstrating how this love relates to human psychology, and asking if selfless love is the true value and future of religion.
Read moreToday’s White Niggers | Part 3: White Suicide
White people are killing themselves at a higher rising rate than members of any other racial group in America today. What’s going on? And for those of us who are not white, why should we give a damn?
Read moreToday’s White Niggers | Part 2: “White-Skin Privilege” Exposed
The concept of white privilege was created to hide white suffering. The story begins 400 years ago when jobs weren’t shipped abroad, people were.
Read moreToday’s White Niggers | Part 1: The N-Word Redefined
After a great deal of research, I have come to the conclusion that niggers were invented in America as a scam to tank the political hopes and economic dreams of most whites. Most whites are niggers, too. They’re the white ones.
Read moreWhy Love Beyond Belief Today?
Progressives lack the intensity, resources, and infrastructure. We suffer from this deficit disorder because most of us treat religion like good or bad ideas. Religion is really about feelings.
Read moreWatch the Blackbird
The brain science behind this “new science of political emotions” was invented by political scientists who argued that voters may forget the information they initially learned about the candidate, but they will hold onto their emotional attitudes.
Read moreIt Takes a Community
Meet up and form a Love Beyond Belief™ community where music and words combine to rock souls, nurture hearts, and clarify minds.
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